Sunday, September 27, 2009

Left Hand May I Introduce Right Hand

It's been a busy few months on the stretch of Route 10 between Northampton and Easthampton, a stretch of road that I traverse twice a day, on average. New sidewalks were put in on the east side of the road near Florence Road, a new traffic light was put in at the intersection of Route 10 and Earle Street, and most of the road was re-paved. These projects seem to happen all at the same time, which meant that traffic was often stopped.

But that's the price of keeping up the infrastructure, I suppose. And I'll be the first to admit that the road looks nice.

But wait, what's that thing in the distance there?

Yes, a new construction vehicle has recently been spotted by the side of the newly paved road. And then there are the new markings spray painted on the new asphalt.

I have a feeling the construction equipment and the road markings are related to the bike path that will soon connect Easthampton and Northampton. And I'm all for the new bike path, but it will be a shame if the road, which has just been re-done, now gets ripped up again.

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