Thursday, May 21, 2009

Fear the Typo Because People Like Me Are Watching

I live in fear of the typo. Not so much here on this blog, because they're easy to fix when they occur and I've never really gotten the sense that my readers are the type of people who would take me to task over such a transgression. In my professional life, however, where I deal with words in various printed pieces, I live in fear of a typo getting past me and onto the page where it will mock me until we can redo the piece in question.

So you might think that I'd be more sympathetic to those who put words into print (or other media) only to see a mistake in the final product. I like to think that I am, for the most part, sympathetic, but this one I couldn't pass on: is a big website, in terms of the technology and manpower behind it and in terms of traffic. And of course, since it's such a big website, it can cost a lot to advertise on it, especially if you're doing one of those take-up-the-whole-screen ads like this company is doing. So, with so much at stake, you'd think that someone would have caught the fact that the saying is worn OUT your welcome, and not worn your welcome. Yet, there it is, for all to see.

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