Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Does It Make Me A Bad Person?

As I was driving this afternoon, I passed a car with a cup of coffee on its roof. I may be a horrible person for taking such glee in another person's foibles--and God knows I've done the same thing--but I thought it was the funniest thing I've seen in a while.


  1. I always get a kick out of seeing people fall. Especially the chaotic, tangled mess of someone falling from a bicycle. Mean? maybe...but laughter is pretty much instinctive, what are ya' gonna do..?

    (To be fair, I don't/can't mind when someone laughs at me for falling on, off or over something...)

  2. I think as long as you're not standing over them, holding your stomach with one hand and pointing at them with the other, it's okay.
